21 May 2012

Cookies cake

I love cook especially desserts. Now I present a dessert: cookies cake.


  • Chocolate
  • Milk
  • Cookies
  • Butter

  • Soup spoon
  • Dessert spoon
  • Plate
  • Mold
  • 2 bowls

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Pour the milk in the plate
  3. Catch the biscuits immerse in the milk
  4. Then take a biscuits and put in the mold
  5. Continuous the action only get a layer
  6. Put the chocolate in the bowl and hit in the microwave
  7. Catch butter and chocolate and mix
  8. After extends the mix on the layer cookies
  9. Repeat all action only few layer
Decoration and presentation
  1. Cut the cake and put in the plate
  2. Crush cookies and put his powders on the cake
  3. To finish put the lacasitos on the cake

Ever after

This film is very nice. The part that I saw in the lab. explains the story of a rich girl Danielle. She is a very beautiful. Her father is a merchant. He spends time out of his house. One day he's in love and he gets married to a bad woman. This woman has two daughters. When all the family (couple and sons) return to the house Danielle is very happy but when she sees the woman and daughters She is very sad because she doesn't like them. After his father death he went to a fair and her stepmother treated badly.
There is the part that I saw but another day I saw all the film and I think in Cinderella Story and I love a lot the two films.

15 May 2012

Intervew in Figueres

In the intervew I talk with a tourist. She is Matilde. She is from France and she is here in Catalonia on halidays only seven days, one week. For Matilde the time in Spain is very interesting. She chosen Catalanonia for her holidays because she visited a friend. Her friend live in Roses ans she is staying with this friend. She doesn't speak Caralan or Spanish, she only speaks French and little English.

She think: The spanish people are very friendly.
She visited other places of Catalonia. She only has visited Cadaque and Reus. But all citys are very beautiful. She think the best place are Cadaques.
She has tasted tapas, tortilla de patates and more things in Catalonia and it likes soo much. While is where in Figueres she buy diferents souvenirs for her family and her friends.
Matilde would come back again and visit more places. When I found Matilde, she went to the Dali Museum but she didn't know where the museum was and she come with our.

Holidays in Mallorca

In this photo my mother and me were walking down Mallorca. When this photo was taken my family and me were on a summer holiday in Mallorca visiting the island. In this photo you see in the middle a source and in the foreground my mum and me. On the right, more people walking in the park. On the left, trees, plants and flowers. In the background more sources, plants and people.
In this holiday my family and me spent a week on the island, visiting, having fun and relaxing. In my holiday we stayed at the Samos hotel. This hotel is magnificent because it has a children's entertainment programme. I love to go on holidays to Mallorca and after that holiday we returned four times and I would like to go back again.

My diet

For me before the diet was not important but this year something has changed. I have wanted to get pretty and so I have to moderate my diet.
Now I will explain a bit my lifestyle.

My lifestyle is healthy. I eat a lot of fruit and diary products. I drink enough water and milk. I'm an energy person because my lifestyle is very varied. But I don't do enough exercise. But in my lifestyle there are more things which are not healthy for example biscuit and chocolate but I can't resist. They are fantastic. So I should eat more vegetables and fish. Because it is very healthy and I don't eat enough. So my lifestyle is healthy because I should eat more fruit and vegetables to improve my diet.


I like to much the song Thriller the Michael Jackson and now I explain the story about the video's music.

Michael Jackson and his girlfriend go to the cinema and watch the terror film. The girlfriend is scared and goes to street and Michael goes with her. Begin to argue and Michael explains that this move makes him laugh. Then they go home, but when they pass by the cemetery. Zombies get up from their graves and begin to attack Michael and his girlfriend. Then Michael becomes a zombie and begins dancing and singing with other zombies. When the zombies finish the dance, they follow the girl and begins the attack but Michael, wakes her from her terrible dream. Then he becomes a Zombie.

This is the story of Thriller. I like this song because it's a classic and the singer (Michael) is one of the best in the history.

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. Picasso was a good painter. He painted about 13.500 pictures in her life. Picasso started at the School of five art in La Coruña when he was nine years old. He left school in 1898. In 1904 he moved to Paris and worked as an artist. He painted hundreds of pictures. He became rich and successful. He died in France on 8th April 1973.
Of his works should be highlighted: Factory Horta the Ebro, Self-portrait, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and the most famous painted is Guernica.