29 May 2013

Self evaluation about my presentation

Presentation (10%): 1 point

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Yes, I do use a powerpoint it's a good idea if you will a dinamic presentation.

Are there just key words to explain your message?

Yes, there are. Only expecific words,

Body language & eye contact (10%): 1 point

Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?

Yes almost always, but I believe the language and vocabulary it's possible improve because the nivel of the english it's better.
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?

Yes, I knew it in sometimes but more occasionally.

Structure (10%): 1 point

Do you organize your ideas in order of importance (chronological order), with different parts?

Yes, I do. My presentation have a introduction for present the topic, a argument when I explain all important and a conclusion for collect all ideas. 

Content (40%): 3 points

Do you introduce new information to your audience?

Yes, I do, chose this theme because I think it's very interesting for the audience because fan it's good for everybody and all need.
Is your information detailed and comprehensible?

Yes, but in sometimes when I saw the people I don't know because they do a very strange face.
Do you give/show examples?

If I gave some examples and I put a different images for reflex I explain. And obviously.

Language (20%): 1.3 points

Is your grammar correct, complex (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)?

I don't know but I believe this part it's possible to improve too much because when I spoke in public I'm very nervous and change the words.
Is your vocabulary rich, varied with linkers (and, but, also, although...)?
Yes, but it's possible improve, because now I know more vocabulary.

Pronunciation & Intonation (10%): 0.5 points

Do you know how to pronounce all your words? 

If I'm wrong but somewhere a bit in the pronunciation
Dou you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
There was no interruption even though I was pretty nervous

What have you done well? What do you need to improve? 
For me this has been a very good presentation. And I think it went well. Because I had prepared. Although I think that would have to improve something like not get nervous or better pronunciation. But in general I liked the presentation.

The funny theory (Presentation)

Hello classmate today I will present a theory for improve your life.
I choose a story fun Wolfsvagen present a competition of the best idea to improve the life of  people. The competition is a idea for advertising campaign of Wolfsvagen. The idea appears in 2009 but I think it's good for eveybody know this.
I choose 3 or 4 ideas of campaign and now I show you them.
Normally when the people take the subway they prefer the escalator than stairs, for this the idea is promote the exercise and the use of stairs. Now you can see a video of set-up a special and magic stairs.

As I was saying this is a great idea because more than 60% of people prefer the stairs than escalator. I think it's good since the people do exercise while their laugh.
The world now is polluted because many people don't recycle. For this the idea is promote the recycle while you can enjoy yourself.
Wolfsvagen creates a bin with a game. Consist in put bottles in the hole of shine the light. It's quite difficult to understand yet with the video is easier.

I like this idea because it's a form to recycle with a smile. Also I think if have much machine similar to this all the people recycle.

Today everybody knows the DJs world and the next idea is encourage the people to clean the shoes before enter of the place. When the people clean it sound a music. Watch in the video.

The idea is very interesting because with a funny form the people do a boomed action. It's true much people don't clean the shoes and with this form  I think much people cleaning.

These are the funny stories of Wolfsvagen. And now for end the presentation I will explain a really happy and funny story. The story of free hugs.

The free hug!!

I choose news of TV. I saw and I thought it's a good new to explain to the others.
The new explain the story of a man, who after the death of his grandmother, decides sharing his love with the people and he gives free hugs. At the first moment it was difficult but after some people did hug.
One day a band decided to do a video clip with the hug man story and post it to YouTube and it was an exit because now many people know about him his story.
After the video clip the Sydney government demanded an insurance to continue sharing out the hugs. And he and the band asked with signatures to the law. And they achieved 10000 signatures.
But only the video clip achieved the law stop. After a week the video clip was seen by approximately a million people. And after that it appeared in Good morning American and another million people watched this.
I like this news a lot because it's really positive and it's a form to better the life of the people. And I think I see a person with a sign: free hug

¡I give a hug!   

Ladies .vs. Boys

Hello, ladies and gentleman today in Listen and think we talk about Ladies and Boys. We will ask a question: Who are better, ladies or boys?
To speak about this topic today Alexis Mcgregor are with us, she is a teacher at the high school, she lives every day surrender by girls and boys. We also got Izan Pluscuard, he is a psychologist of the Institute of behavioural studies of the people.
Thanks for coming today.
Hello Martha the topic is very interesting. Thanks you for invent me.
It's a pleasure. And come on, we start to talk about behaviour. I read few days ago a news article that explained the rate of drinking, girls drink more than other years, now it's approximately the 70%of the girls who minimum two times in the week.
What do you think about that? It's really bad rate because this means how ladies forger all the sophistication?
Yes, Martha sure. Today the girls aren't sophisticated, they only think of drink and tattoos. The typical really, perfect girls have disappeared.
I disagree because what rules say the girls need be sophisticated and perfect women. If they will be bad girls and have tattoos, they have all the power.
Yes of course but the appearance of these girls isn't the best. Because it's more difficult to find a job or a flat because the appearance is really important and sometimes the first impression is the truth. Probably not for every girl but for many yes.
So the conclusion of the girls is:                                                              
they have all the power of their life but it's better to have a great and pretty impression.
Another question is it the boys are gentlemen? And why at do to understand for gentleman?
Now I read the definition of gentleman: a man who is cultured, courteous, and well-educated. Do you are agree with this?

Please sent me your opinions.

(Do it on 24-5-13)

12 May 2013

A really good book

This third term I choose a book to do a review. I will review one of my favourite books I read a lot but this book is different for many reasons it's different because the topic is varied, it's an erotic novel. Because it's an adult novel and I read it. Because I read it in a few days. For these and for other reasons the book is different and special.
The tittle of the book is Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James. The history explains the life of Anastasia Steel. A girl of 21-year-old and all begins when she goes to an interview in her friends place with Christian Grey, a very important business owner. The feelings between them appear immediatly. But she  is so naive and he's so daring.
After the first date the lives of Chistian and Ana change because they meet so times. Always Christian appears when Ana needs him.
One day Ana, after the finishing her exams, goes to a bar with her friends. In a moment one of her friends Jose attempts to kiss her but Christian arives and stops him. Ana leaves with Christian and all begins. Because since this moment they start a relationship. But a different relationship because Christian  insists that she signs a non-disclosure agreement. But there another paper work: an agreement ofdominance and submission and they not have a romantic relationship, only a sexual one.
For Ana all this is very strange because she's virgin and doesn't know anything about BDSM. 
But she accepts the agreement and intent a sexualship.
Since that  more things happens but I not explain you. If you will know these things read the book I recomend it warmly.

Alexander Mcqueen Show

Two friends are speaking in the bar of high school.

Dalia: Look! Look! I have it! I have it!
Marta: You have what?
Dalia: I have the invitation for the Alexander Macqueen show!
Marta: Oh my God!
Dalia: Why do you say that?
Marta: Because I recived the invitation a few days ago and I didn't do a show for this. I told you last Saturday no one needs to know this because now everybody will be your friend, only for the invitation.
Dalia: Ok, It's true! But I'm very nervouse and very happy. Sorry!
Marta: Don't worry. I say it for you!
Paula: And exactly. What do you wear for the show Dalia?
Dalia: Still I don't know. Any Idea? Marta and you?
Marta: I think I will be wearing a sexy and preciose dress, black dress.
Dalia: Oh no! And me? Please give me ideas.
Paula: A long blue pencil skirt and a top with a jacket. What do you think?
Marta: Obviously with high-heels.
Dalia: Of course! I think it's a good idea.
Paula: Girls I'll be waiting you in Barcelona the next week.
Marta: I have a date with...with..
Dalia: With whom?
Marta: With Adam a friend of my cousin Andrea.
Dalia: Respect that please!
Marta: With Adam. Girls he's only a friend.