22 Nov 2013

The Hunger Games couple

This news explains a tip of the life of the actress of The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. It explains her lovely life. In the film she is involve in a love triangle but in her real life she only have eyes for her boyfriend another actor of The Hunger Games. The news talks about the problems and different things of the couple.

News words
  • spotted: amb llunes/pics
  • quietly: en silenci, tranquil·lament
  • limo: limusina

My opinion
The news talk about the love life's couple of actors and present it is quite difficult because they have a very busy days  and don't have time to stay together. For that reason a lot of couple distancing.
I will present my opinion about the busy days, because I think it's one of the most important thing for the couples. Normally a couple is back up with the confidence, obviously, but also in the time because it's very important have time to speak, to laugh and to share all of our with the other person.

For that reason the couple of the news distance but I think also they don't love to much because, it's true, we need time; but if we don't have it we fight to continue our life accompany with our couple because the other person complement us.

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