31 Dec 2013

31 of 2013!!

Today is the last day of the year!!!
It's the day to turn back and muse on the things we propose. Are they ok? Probably all not but we tried. We did a lot of things, for example we did exercise, we began with english and other thing...
Besides it's a day to stay with the familiy, with the friends and begin the new year all together.
The girls wearing their beautiful dresses and make up, they will a good first day.

Around the world people do very differents traditions many of that are these:

In Spain people eat twele grapes with each peal.
In Argentina people run away to open their presents after a toast at midnight after drink cava or sidra.

The Mexicans sweep their houses from inside to outside for clean the house of pollutants.

In Chile people eat a spoonful of lentils, although they break an egg on a glass for bring the good luck tto the people.

In Costa Rica if your put a little purpple flower (Santa Lucía) in your wallet the money all the year stay with you.

Americans when the clock paly the last bell they kiss their partners, you can see this specially in Times Square.

I choose these traditionals but if you would know more about you can read this articles, they are in spanish but they are very interesting.



1 Dec 2013


29 Nov 2013

Maybe that or that...

Hello teacher, You already know me but I think it's a good idea to begin the year if I introduce myself to you again. My name's Marta Moreno and I've been in this world1996. The date isn't important but I think probably for the all students in the class is important because the next year we are 18 years old. And we'll begin a new era. For me this new era begins today... This year is a year for new beginning, for study more and prepare my future. Now I don't know where the road is taking me but I will believe the road take me very far for example to... England? Maybe. I began to search different options to my future and to my degree. I will do a degree in Birkbeck University of London but I have a very big problem. Because I think my level of English isn't enough. I know the level of this university is for native people but I like do it my future in this city. Another problem is my mind. Sure you are questioner Why? The reason is very simple, the last year was a very complicated to me in the English subject not only in class of high school although also in the EOI. I don't know exactly the reason why successes this but had been a very difficult because when I needed talked or written in English my mind was blocked. Finally in the last part of the years I'm most relaxed and my mind began to returned to normality, and now I think it's normal and I like, other time, English. All these problems stop me to begin the new, new era; but if I apply a lot and I do all the works and homework I hope the road goes good, more than good I hope the road goes perfect. Thanks for all! I say it now because I know you do much thing for help students, and I know maybe I need you help a little. Thanks because probably is very complicate do all, explain and teach and help. Now it's time to say Good Bye. I hope my "business mail" is good because for me it's important to begin well. Good bye teacher and I will wish a good year.

26 Nov 2013

The hunger games: CATCHING FIRE


I choose a video news. The news explains many things about the last adaptation of Suzzane Collins books- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It talks about good and bad things, exactly it make a criticism.  

News words

  • catching: cautivador
  • rewiew: fer la crítica de...

My opinion
I went to watched the film last Friday and I enjoyed a lot.
I'm agree in many things with the video but I read the book last year, and I thinks the film focus with the first part of the story and not in the hunger games and I believe the best part is the last, went Katniss and the others characters stay in the sand. I think that because it's the part where success the spectacular things and it's interesting the clock of The Hunger Games. In spite of it I love the film and I think the director do good work.

I encourage you to go to visit. 

23 Nov 2013

Trip of EOI

My trip

Eva Longoria: Swarovski girl


This news talks about the cover of Elle Spain. In that cover appear Eva Longoria completely nude and her body is cover up with small Swarovski diamonds. The news presents her feelings and her opinion of that nude. Also it talk about the Eva love story.

News words

  • issue: numero
  • custom-tailored: manufacturat/dissenyat
  • cuddling: abraçant-se

My opinion
I surprise a lot when I read the news because Eva talks about she feels quite embarrass because still she haves a good body she are very nervous since everybody look her. She talks about the strict diet and exercise she do it to have a good body.

I am surprised because sometimes the people think only the typical girls feel embarrass but with the news we can show the actresses, the singers also feel embarrass. I think this secret it's good because a lot of girls can see it not only they feel that.

22 Nov 2013

An important day: 22 of November


This news explains some news from 1963, exactly the 22 of November. That day is one of the most popular and most relevant days in the new era because it's the day of J.F Kennedy's died.  But not only succeed that, the news presents the other important events succeed this 22 of November.

News words

  • bullet: bala
  • turmoil: confusió
  • newsworthy: rellevant

My opinion
I love all around J.F. Kennedy but when I read the news I think many thing:

The news present other important deaths: the death of C.S. Lewis and the death of Aldous Huxley. Two of the most relevant authors of the last century but I think only many people know it because they died the same day of the BIG PRESIDENT and nobody pay attention to their deaths. And 50 years after continue because today it's the birthday of their deaths a nobody know. Always the people remember J.F. Kennedy assassinate but not the deaths of two important writers.

I speak out this problem because I think everybody needs recognition especially this two excellent authors. Please remember they. 

The Hunger Games couple

This news explains a tip of the life of the actress of The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. It explains her lovely life. In the film she is involve in a love triangle but in her real life she only have eyes for her boyfriend another actor of The Hunger Games. The news talks about the problems and different things of the couple.

News words
  • spotted: amb llunes/pics
  • quietly: en silenci, tranquil·lament
  • limo: limusina

My opinion
The news talk about the love life's couple of actors and present it is quite difficult because they have a very busy days  and don't have time to stay together. For that reason a lot of couple distancing.
I will present my opinion about the busy days, because I think it's one of the most important thing for the couples. Normally a couple is back up with the confidence, obviously, but also in the time because it's very important have time to speak, to laugh and to share all of our with the other person.

For that reason the couple of the news distance but I think also they don't love to much because, it's true, we need time; but if we don't have it we fight to continue our life accompany with our couple because the other person complement us.

18 Nov 2013

Is humour necessary in our life?

Humour and smiling are instinctive behavior in life. The pretty person always wears a smile. So humour is really necessary to live. Personally I think humour is necessary because in life we have a lot of problems and for that reason smiling and feeling happy are good sensations the only way to do this is to tell jokes. All people in the world, I think, laugh with that and make them happier. Consequently, people are more polite and the relatioship works more frecuently and quite good. Apart from that another reason to keep humour in our life is very healthy.

17 Nov 2013

Self evaluation about my presentation

Link: my video presentation

Presentation (10%): 1 point
Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Yes, I use a prezi it's a good idea if you will a dynamic presentation. I use photos, video and all of things to improve the presentation, not only text.

Are there just key words to explain your message?
Yes, there are. Only specific words. I write only the title of the section.

Body language & eye contact (10%): 1 point
Are you looking at your audience most of the time?
Yes almost always. First probably less than the finally because with the time a felt more sure an I had more confidence in myself.

Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Yes, I knew it in sometimes but more occasionally. Only for a technical terms.

Structure (10%): 1 point
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance (chronological order), with different parts?
Yes, I do. My presentation have a introduction for present the topic, beauty I do it with a video. Seconf have an argument when I explain all important things and a conclusion for collect all ideas with a simple quote.

Content (40%): 3 points
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Yes, I do, chose this theme because I think it's very interesting for the audience because mini misses shows are not very comun here, in Spain, and I think there are interestinc topic. Finally I relate it with the big theme: beauty.

Is your information detailed and comprehensible?
Yes, but in sometimes when I saw the people I don't know because they do a very strange face.

Do you give/show examples?
If I gave some examples and I put a different images for reflex what I explain.

Language (20%): 1.3 points
Is your grammar correct, complex (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)?
I don't know but I believe this part it's possible to improve too much because when I spoke in public I'm very nervous and change the words.

Is your vocabulary rich, varied with linkers (and, but, also, although...)?
Yes, but it's possible improve, because now I know more vocabulary, but in general I put some new expressions and I'm happy of it.

Pronunciation & Intonation (10%): 0.5 points
Do you know how to pronounce all your words?
If I'm wrong but somewhere a bit in the pronunciation

Dou you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
There was no interruption even though I was pretty nervous, I now in this moment I was hill and probably the fluency change it with the moment.

What have you done well? What do you need to improve?
For me this has been a very good presentation. And I think it went well. Because I had prepared. Although I think that would have to improve something like not get nervous or better pronunciation. But in general I liked the presentation.

My anecdote

This is the story of something that happened to me when I was about 8 years old.

At that time I was living in Empuriabrava and I was studying third of primary school. I used to play with my friends,  play the guitar and also I do gymnastics in my free time. I loved to play the guitar and nowadays I love it.

I remember my first day of guitar lessons, I had a very beautiful teacher, Ricard. I learnt a lot and so fast. One day this teacher disappeared and I met my new guitar teacher, she was bad for teaching me because I couldn't learn anything with her. I worked and I leant slower than with my first beautiful teacher. For that reason after a few months suffering with this woman I lost passion. I was angry and I argued with her. I loved to play the guitar but I hated her method.

She called my parents and they talked to me about my reasons, but I didn't come to any conclusion. So they forced me to continue doing guitar lessons with that stupid teacher. I was very sad.

Therefore finally I left the guitar lessons without the consent f my parents, nobody asked for me in the class and my teacher was happy because I, her troublemaker, gave the lessons up.

I never talked again with the teacher and I felt better. Basically since then I didnt' play the guitar again but now I propose to start playing again internet lessons. I know it's difficult but I can do it!

15 Nov 2013

Requirements to be an Angel


This news talks about the process to chose the perfect model to walk in the Victoria's Secret Show. A lot of girls presenting to the casting but only one or two of this girls can be an Angel. And in this casting all of old Angel need past it. And it's very difficult past it for this the girls need to do a diet and exercise.
News words

  • shape: figura
  • strutting: "pavonearse"
  • newcomer: recién llegado

My opinion
The news explain the strict system of the Angels.

I love the company, the show, and all of Victoria's Secret but I think the company need a new system because it's a very huge problem. They people how do it the casting only want a slim models and the girls who want be an Angel need to do very strict diet and exercise and before two days of the show they can't eat, they only drink and probably eat an apple in all the day. I think that is horrible and we need change it. We need speak out against. Beauty isn't only a slim bodies, it's more it's the sweat faces, the beautiful hair and we can't look only the bodies. We must finish with that all the girls are beautiful and I think all can walk in the Victoria's Secret Show. 

12 Nov 2013

Also, young men have eating disorders


This news explains normally the eating disorders appear in young women but a new study presents nowadays this eating disorders appear also in the young men. A lot of teenager between 16 to 22 ages have this problem with eating but also with drugs and drink. 

News words

  • enhance: millorar
  • bringe drinking: veure compulsivament
  • strive: esforçar-se

My opinion
The eating disorders a very important problems nowadays and it's important all the people know the problems not only affect to the women. I think a lot of men worry about their bodys and appearance. And they become more obsessed and finally they become with eating disorders. 
It's important all the society know about this problems and try to end with that. I think a lot of men have a low self-steem and because of that they final with problems and I believe we need to encourage these men to improve their self-steem. We can't watch to another part and forget this problems because if we do that we have the fault. 
The men are equal than women and they have the same problems. The problems don't differentiate for sex. These problems appear because of publicity and the preassure of society. 

2 Nov 2013

An old friend...

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my old school friend appearing on TV. I was doing the ironing when I saw James. He appeared in the news because he won the Spanish Christmas' lotto and he explained what he would do with this money.

Immediatly I felt shocked because he looked very changed, more handsome than before. When we were young, he used to wear heavy clothes but in that moment he was wearing a suit he looked healthier.

Then I remember the school time. At the time met a lot of buddies but he didn't use to make friends becuase he was very embarrassed. He only stayed alone. We weren't friends but we had a classmate realtionship. 
First I felt very jealous but then I felt very delighted because his life became better. Eventually I tried to get in touch with him and began a friendship because I felt badly dor the old times.

Nowadays we are good friends.

30 Oct 2013

A joke

In the class I explained a joke, I hope you enjoy it.

23 Oct 2013

My final work

This year is the last year in the high school of Castelló d' Empúries for that reason all the students need to do a final project: Treball de recerca.
It's an ambicious project, because it consists of creating and investigating a topics very different topics for example the photography, the cheese or literature and others.
But not only is the investigation also we need to do an interview, questions and more things.
My final project consists of reading different books and do a reading card and then taking conclusions. On the other hand, I past to the other high school students a questionaire, with the answers I do a grafic. And the last but not least the interview to a writer.
Finally, I will present the topic of my project: the stereotype realtionships in teenage novels.
My teacher and my tutor is Isabel Ramírez but other teachers help me. When I started the project I though: "the project is very difficult and I won't be able to do it". After the time I've done it and now I'm really satisfied with it, with the project and with me because for me it was a test and have passed it. 

14 Oct 2013

Obama's Speech

When I began to work with the words of Obama's speech I didn't imagine they would mean so much. And know I need thinking about the help I need to set my own goals and face them. 

More of his expressions are important because when I read I think and think. Because a lot of these sentences say the things I need to listen, and now I have the things about my future more clear. For example I know one of the most important things is discover what's my contribution to the world.
For this I think I need to watch different opinions about university degrees and talk to my teachers and I like this I can't give up and achieve my changellenges and my goals.

9 Oct 2013

The new year, the last year

Hello followers, now I'am beginnig the neew year. This year is very important because it's last year in my high school. It's the year of decisions: degree. vs. FP, in my city. vs. a broad...
But the most important in this minute is to commit to my goal and my goals in this moment are very different: on yhe one hand, the high school and 2nd Batchillerat, on the other hand the EOI course, I will passs all the coutses and have a good grade. It's true these things are difficult but I only need to be focused and face goals.
For me the most important apart from the goals are my parents. I will make them proud. 
For all these I focus on my studies and learn a lo. From now our, I return to the blog and I will write more essays, news, something about my self or other stuff.
I expect you enjoy yourself with the blog.

2 Jun 2013

Revenge: bye Ashley Davenport

Finally confirm the news of the dismissal  of Ashley Davenport in the series Revenge. After two seasons the actress Ashley Madekwe leave the series for many reasons, because she will more history in the story but she think this isn't possible because the story don't do for more. But she is happy because she and her husband celebrate the party marriage.
Other actor leave the series is main chapter of Declan Porter. He died in second seasons.

But calm the series continue. We can continue see Amanda Clark and her revenge...

Alana Smith

Twelve-years-old Alana Smith became one of the most relevant woman-skater in the world, because she is a star.
The last 16th Alana was the most younger skater who won a medal in X Games. She stayed a time in the first position and she did a very spectacular and great trick. In all the round she tried to do a "McTwist" and with this form she became the first woman to land this difficult trick in X games.
All the public and her family were with her. The public were devoted with she and her exhibition, and when finished the game and she returned to her hotel she found much people to get a photo or signature with her.

For she the X games in Barcelona was a good experience. 

I watched the final and for me she is a star. I don't like skate to much but when I watched she I like a lot, and I will meet she and turn watch she. Please watch a little part of her exhibition an you think the same.

1 Jun 2013

In l'Alt Empordà

In l'Alt Empordà Local dishes are the traditional bread with tomato, esqueixada (tomato, cod, onion and red and green pepper), escalibada (aubergine, onion, red pepper, oil and potato). My favorite is escudella (soap with pasta and meat).

If you come to the Alt Empordà, You Should Also try anchovies from Scale for dinner, for lunch, at any time. I recommended because it's a delicious appetizer.

For dessert you can order a variety of sweet dishes. For example I recommended crema Catalana, and brunyols flaonas from Figueres.

The traditional place drinks are wine and cava. And if you will try to sweat a drink you must try Garnatxa.

This is a really summery of traditional food of Alt Empordà, I Encourage you to come here.

29 May 2013

Self evaluation about my presentation

Presentation (10%): 1 point

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Yes, I do use a powerpoint it's a good idea if you will a dinamic presentation.

Are there just key words to explain your message?

Yes, there are. Only expecific words,

Body language & eye contact (10%): 1 point

Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?

Yes almost always, but I believe the language and vocabulary it's possible improve because the nivel of the english it's better.
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?

Yes, I knew it in sometimes but more occasionally.

Structure (10%): 1 point

Do you organize your ideas in order of importance (chronological order), with different parts?

Yes, I do. My presentation have a introduction for present the topic, a argument when I explain all important and a conclusion for collect all ideas. 

Content (40%): 3 points

Do you introduce new information to your audience?

Yes, I do, chose this theme because I think it's very interesting for the audience because fan it's good for everybody and all need.
Is your information detailed and comprehensible?

Yes, but in sometimes when I saw the people I don't know because they do a very strange face.
Do you give/show examples?

If I gave some examples and I put a different images for reflex I explain. And obviously.

Language (20%): 1.3 points

Is your grammar correct, complex (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)?

I don't know but I believe this part it's possible to improve too much because when I spoke in public I'm very nervous and change the words.
Is your vocabulary rich, varied with linkers (and, but, also, although...)?
Yes, but it's possible improve, because now I know more vocabulary.

Pronunciation & Intonation (10%): 0.5 points

Do you know how to pronounce all your words? 

If I'm wrong but somewhere a bit in the pronunciation
Dou you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
There was no interruption even though I was pretty nervous

What have you done well? What do you need to improve? 
For me this has been a very good presentation. And I think it went well. Because I had prepared. Although I think that would have to improve something like not get nervous or better pronunciation. But in general I liked the presentation.

The funny theory (Presentation)

Hello classmate today I will present a theory for improve your life.
I choose a story fun Wolfsvagen present a competition of the best idea to improve the life of  people. The competition is a idea for advertising campaign of Wolfsvagen. The idea appears in 2009 but I think it's good for eveybody know this.
I choose 3 or 4 ideas of campaign and now I show you them.
Normally when the people take the subway they prefer the escalator than stairs, for this the idea is promote the exercise and the use of stairs. Now you can see a video of set-up a special and magic stairs.

As I was saying this is a great idea because more than 60% of people prefer the stairs than escalator. I think it's good since the people do exercise while their laugh.
The world now is polluted because many people don't recycle. For this the idea is promote the recycle while you can enjoy yourself.
Wolfsvagen creates a bin with a game. Consist in put bottles in the hole of shine the light. It's quite difficult to understand yet with the video is easier.

I like this idea because it's a form to recycle with a smile. Also I think if have much machine similar to this all the people recycle.

Today everybody knows the DJs world and the next idea is encourage the people to clean the shoes before enter of the place. When the people clean it sound a music. Watch in the video.

The idea is very interesting because with a funny form the people do a boomed action. It's true much people don't clean the shoes and with this form  I think much people cleaning.

These are the funny stories of Wolfsvagen. And now for end the presentation I will explain a really happy and funny story. The story of free hugs.

The free hug!!

I choose news of TV. I saw and I thought it's a good new to explain to the others.
The new explain the story of a man, who after the death of his grandmother, decides sharing his love with the people and he gives free hugs. At the first moment it was difficult but after some people did hug.
One day a band decided to do a video clip with the hug man story and post it to YouTube and it was an exit because now many people know about him his story.
After the video clip the Sydney government demanded an insurance to continue sharing out the hugs. And he and the band asked with signatures to the law. And they achieved 10000 signatures.
But only the video clip achieved the law stop. After a week the video clip was seen by approximately a million people. And after that it appeared in Good morning American and another million people watched this.
I like this news a lot because it's really positive and it's a form to better the life of the people. And I think I see a person with a sign: free hug

¡I give a hug!   

Ladies .vs. Boys

Hello, ladies and gentleman today in Listen and think we talk about Ladies and Boys. We will ask a question: Who are better, ladies or boys?
To speak about this topic today Alexis Mcgregor are with us, she is a teacher at the high school, she lives every day surrender by girls and boys. We also got Izan Pluscuard, he is a psychologist of the Institute of behavioural studies of the people.
Thanks for coming today.
Hello Martha the topic is very interesting. Thanks you for invent me.
It's a pleasure. And come on, we start to talk about behaviour. I read few days ago a news article that explained the rate of drinking, girls drink more than other years, now it's approximately the 70%of the girls who minimum two times in the week.
What do you think about that? It's really bad rate because this means how ladies forger all the sophistication?
Yes, Martha sure. Today the girls aren't sophisticated, they only think of drink and tattoos. The typical really, perfect girls have disappeared.
I disagree because what rules say the girls need be sophisticated and perfect women. If they will be bad girls and have tattoos, they have all the power.
Yes of course but the appearance of these girls isn't the best. Because it's more difficult to find a job or a flat because the appearance is really important and sometimes the first impression is the truth. Probably not for every girl but for many yes.
So the conclusion of the girls is:                                                              
they have all the power of their life but it's better to have a great and pretty impression.
Another question is it the boys are gentlemen? And why at do to understand for gentleman?
Now I read the definition of gentleman: a man who is cultured, courteous, and well-educated. Do you are agree with this?

Please sent me your opinions.

(Do it on 24-5-13)

12 May 2013

A really good book

This third term I choose a book to do a review. I will review one of my favourite books I read a lot but this book is different for many reasons it's different because the topic is varied, it's an erotic novel. Because it's an adult novel and I read it. Because I read it in a few days. For these and for other reasons the book is different and special.
The tittle of the book is Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James. The history explains the life of Anastasia Steel. A girl of 21-year-old and all begins when she goes to an interview in her friends place with Christian Grey, a very important business owner. The feelings between them appear immediatly. But she  is so naive and he's so daring.
After the first date the lives of Chistian and Ana change because they meet so times. Always Christian appears when Ana needs him.
One day Ana, after the finishing her exams, goes to a bar with her friends. In a moment one of her friends Jose attempts to kiss her but Christian arives and stops him. Ana leaves with Christian and all begins. Because since this moment they start a relationship. But a different relationship because Christian  insists that she signs a non-disclosure agreement. But there another paper work: an agreement ofdominance and submission and they not have a romantic relationship, only a sexual one.
For Ana all this is very strange because she's virgin and doesn't know anything about BDSM. 
But she accepts the agreement and intent a sexualship.
Since that  more things happens but I not explain you. If you will know these things read the book I recomend it warmly.

Alexander Mcqueen Show

Two friends are speaking in the bar of high school.

Dalia: Look! Look! I have it! I have it!
Marta: You have what?
Dalia: I have the invitation for the Alexander Macqueen show!
Marta: Oh my God!
Dalia: Why do you say that?
Marta: Because I recived the invitation a few days ago and I didn't do a show for this. I told you last Saturday no one needs to know this because now everybody will be your friend, only for the invitation.
Dalia: Ok, It's true! But I'm very nervouse and very happy. Sorry!
Marta: Don't worry. I say it for you!
Paula: And exactly. What do you wear for the show Dalia?
Dalia: Still I don't know. Any Idea? Marta and you?
Marta: I think I will be wearing a sexy and preciose dress, black dress.
Dalia: Oh no! And me? Please give me ideas.
Paula: A long blue pencil skirt and a top with a jacket. What do you think?
Marta: Obviously with high-heels.
Dalia: Of course! I think it's a good idea.
Paula: Girls I'll be waiting you in Barcelona the next week.
Marta: I have a date with...with..
Dalia: With whom?
Marta: With Adam a friend of my cousin Andrea.
Dalia: Respect that please!
Marta: With Adam. Girls he's only a friend.

25 Apr 2013

My wedding, my holidays

One day I ring Ian up and we discussed with the place where will we go for holidays. We decided to go to Argentina.

We broke off from work and got on a plain. After 12 hours we got to airport at 7 a.m. First we went to the hotel and unpacked. There we met a lady, her name was Joan. After unpacking we got out with her to do some sightseeing. We visited a beach and sorted out our wedding. The maid of honour was Joan and Bruno, Joan's husband, was the godfather. After the wedding we took up dancing and it was a really good Celebration.

The day my mother turned up late to the weeding. On the night Ian gave a gift, it was a digital frame. I switched it on and all our photos appeared. Other gift was Ian gave up drinking, now he is a great man.
During our holidays we looked up all the information about our flight back home. But go to the flight was cancel and we need past two days more in Argentina. After we visited different museum and came in Casa Rosada. It was very pretty and very beautiful. After days we got off plain and came back to our house.

These are my perfect holidays with my new husband.

16 Apr 2013

Informal letter

Castelló d' Empúries
9th April 13
Dear Lídia,
Thanks for your letter. I'm really happy to hear that you're well.
Regarding your question: What place you choose for a gap year?
I visited different place in the world but in my opinion a good city for your gap year in London.
London is a very interesting city because many cultures live in harmony and it's a good opportunity to meet them.
My first impression when I arrived to London was: Oh my God! All in this city is amazing.
I think I left this because all I watched the building, the squares, the people were different and wonderful.
I accommodated myself next to Trafalgar Square to be really close to the center, but if you accommodate in other place it's no problem because the city has public transport.

For these and for other things I think London is the best option.
For example, I will recommended you different places to visit. If you will see all the cultures in London go to any market of the different areas. But if you only will know culture visit the British museum and National Gallery they are amazing places to see interesting things.
I think I helped you but if you will know more things about London for example the money, the activities or people send me another letter.
Bye Lídia, I love you.
PS: In London keep with the weather is very changing.


Now I will explain one of my pastimes. I love to look for a photos in the red, specially in one web, we heart it. In this page it is possible to find different photos, usually I use photos from this page to do my presentations or to decorate my agenda. I recommended you to visit this page and explore it.
Normally on this site I use to look at photos about vintage, love or phrases.
Now I choose some of my favourite photos about phrases and I translate them to Spanish.

·         You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. 
No puedes empezar un nuevo capítulo en tu vida sin haber releído el ultimo.

·         Good things come to those who wait.
Las cosas buenas vienen cuando esperas.

·         Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life. 
Se feliz en este momento, este momento es tu vida.

·         You see things and you say why? But I dream things that never were, and I say why not?. 
Ves cosas y dices Porque? Pero yo sueño cosas y digo porque no?

·         Why stop dreaming when you make up? 
Por qué paras de soñar cuando te levanta?

·         I have no idea what I want. 
No tengo idea de lo que quiero.

These are many phrases but all are beautiful and special.

Top 10 English songs for me...

I love  the songs:
·         22 by Taylor Swift
·         Impossible by James Arthur
·         I will always love you by Whitney Houston
·         Count on me by Bruno Mars
·         Little Things by One Direction

Because they have a special meaning for me and for my boy friend because their lyrics are so
magical and romantic, they all are different but when you listen to them you feel the same: your
smile appears in your face and you're happy all day.
I can say that they are our songs.

I like the songs:
·         Feel this moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera
·         Don't stop the party by Pitbull and TJR

Because with these songs I feel happy and I feel like going out and I want to dance. Always
when you listen these songs your body begins to follow the rhythm.

I think It's a good song:
·         Diamonds by Rihanna

Because I think that the artist sings really good and do particularly music like in this song,
Diamonds. It also is a dynamic and shaker  song. Nowadays it's chorus is one of the most
famous and everybody sings it.

I believe that this song is so funny:
·         It's time by Imagine dragons

Because it has an important message in its lyrics and I also listened it to a lot of time ago because
I listened to a beautiful cover in one of my favourite tv  series, Glee.

One of favourite songs is:
·         On the floor by Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull

Because It's the song that I love with my best friend, we always dance on it because it has a
funny rhythms a single lyric and a Latin and hot  music.